Magnus ‘Devo’ Andersson is a well-known figure in extreme metal (MARDUK, CARDINAL SIN, OVERFLASH etc.) and also the owner/mastermind behind Endarker Studios in Norrkping (a place regularly visited by recording artists from all over the globe). One of Devo’s more obscure bands/projects was ENDARKER, an entity active intermittently between 1986 and 1993. The band name was later re-used for the de-christening of the studio. Besides Devo, the band also included Necrotech and Peter Hrje. Influences were BATHORY, VENOM, VOIVOD, HELLHAMMER/ CELTIC FROST, SLAYER. POSSESSED. “There were basically THE extreme metal bands out there you could be influenced by back in 1985, so these were our obvious choice”, as Devo puts it. After years of dwelling in hibernation, the material is now available to the public for the first time ever. The four older tracks (recorded in 1986-1987) have the classic feeling found on old Swedish recordings from, for instance, OBSCURITY, MEFISTO and caveman-old BATHORY. The later Endarker material was mainly put to tape in Dan Swan’s Unisound studio in 1993. The material on offer here shows classic influences from CELTIC FROST’s ‘Morbid Tales’, and BATHORY’s ‘Under the Sign of the Black Mark’ and ‘Blood Fire Death’. ‘Among the Shadows’ can be described as a symbiosis between a historic lesson, ‘true cult’ and high quality!
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