The Shiranui Akatsuki Gundam stands out with its great degree of articulation and gorgeous gold-plated appearance. The model’s head has a single ball joint for maximum mobility, while the shoulders have ball joints for horizontal lifts and some tilting. Despite the fact that the elbows and knees can only bend 90 degrees, the arms and thighs have swivel joints that allow for dynamic posing.
The Shiranui Akatsuki Gundam model includes a variety of articulation capabilities that promise poseability and fun. The head is supported by a single ball joint, allowing for a large range of motion, while the shoulders have ball joints for horizontal lifting and limited tilting. The arm and upper thigh joints include swivel movement, which improves dynamic posing possibilities. Although the elbow and knee joints can only bend 90 degrees, this does not severely limit the model’s mobility.
The waist’s rotation feature provides another element of realism, but with some limitations due to the skirt armor panels. This is sensibly countered by pivotable front and side skirt armors, which allow for more flexible leg movement. However, the rear skirt armor’s fixed position restricts backward leg movement. The ankles have a limited pivot/tilt mechanism, which adds to the model’s stability and diversity of postures.
The gold-plated kit is generously outfitted with a broad selection of armaments and accessories, elevating its display and play value:
Dual Beam Saber
Beam Saber Hilts
“Hyakuri” Beam Rifle
“Shiranui” Space Pack
Effect Parts x 4
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