All 39 episodes from the children’s TV drama series from the early 1970s. Based on Monica Dickens’ 1963 novel ‘Cobbler’s Dream’, the series was set in a horse’s rest home, and often dealt with the way horses were poorly treated in British society. Episodes comprise: ‘Dora’, ‘Steve’, ‘Gipsy’, ‘Shadow’, ‘One White Foot Charley’, ‘The Charity Horse’, ‘Know-All’s Nag’, ‘Moonstone’, ‘Stryker’s Good Deed’, ‘Mr She-Knows’, ‘The Standstill Horse’, ‘Birthday at Follyfoot’, ‘A Day in the Sun’, ‘Someone, Somewhere’, ‘The Debt’, ‘Family of Strangers’, ‘A Present for Sandy’, ‘The Innocents’, ‘The Hundred Pound Horse’, ‘Poor Bald Head’, ‘The Prize’, ‘Treasure Hunt’, ‘Debt of Honour’, ‘Out-of-the-Blue Horse’, ‘The Awakening’, ‘Fly Away Home’, ‘The Distant Voice’, ‘The Four Legged Hat’, ‘Barney’, ‘Miss Him When He’s Gone’, ‘The Dream’, ‘The Challenge’, ‘The Letter’, ‘The Bridge Builder’, ‘Uncle Joe’, ‘The Helping Hand’, ‘Rain On Friday’, ‘Hazel’ and ‘Walk in the Woods’.
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