What inexhaustible richness: the baritone Daniel Blumenschein, together with the Leipzig Symphony Orchestra under its conductor Robbert van Steijn, opens the door to a vast musical land. On their new GENUIN CD, they embark on a journey through the most beautiful German folk songs in colorful new orchestral arrangements by Stephan Knig. The track list includes, for example, “Komm, lieber Mai und mache” (“Come, dear May and make”), “Kein schner Land” (“No fairer land”) and, of course, the titular “Im schnsten Wiesengrunde” (“In the most beautiful meadow grounds”). With a well-balanced mixture of tradition and modernity, the CD knows how to capture the musical language of the recorded songs in ever new ways and transport them into the present time. As a result, we experience what is seemingly familiar completely anew!
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