An emotion-filled voice with a three-octave range, John is affectionately known in Country Music circles as the Country Eastern boy. Kenny Rogers said of him: . . . one of the greatest singer-songwriters I ve heard in 20 years ; John Andrew Parks road to Nashville took him in many different directions from his Texan birthplace. His first recording contract, signed in Los Angeles at eighteen, proved a false start and he moved on to open a studio in New York City. A song he wrote, Planet Texas , turned him around again when it caught the ear of Kenny Rogers. Rogers recorded it, it became a gold record and its writer became a Capitol Records artist. This album, recorded in 1990, contains his own version of Planet Texas . The album, which Parks co-produced, features a stunning array of supporting talent. Guitarists include British rocker Chris Spedding and multi-talented Californian Andrew Gold, while no less a player than Eagle Joe Walsh adds slide. Beatles sideman Billy Preston weights in on organ, Fernando Saunders (Lou Reed) and Bob Glaub (Warren Zevon, CS&N) are among the bass players, with Bread s Michael Botts adding drums and percussion. The backing vocalists too, are a star- studded choir: Gerry Beckley, JD Souther and Timothy B Schmit and Steve Augeri are among the names involved
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