Ji Kylin is a living legend. He is the creator of more than a hundred works, several of which form part of the repertories of some of the greatest dance ensembles in the world. Due to the choreographer’s extreme reluctance to engage in a documentary, this film is exceptional. For the first time one can have a real close look at Kylin’s life, his way of thinking and at his most significant creations. The film was shot in Den Haag, Prague, Monte-Carlo and Paris.
“Dancers and choreographers are very fragile very breakable and we are an endangered species. Because we have decided that we will declare our body as a work of art. And it takes a lot of courage to actually open up and show yourself naked. With all the faults, with all the mistakes, with all the deficiencies that we have” – Ji Kylin.
BONUS: Additional ballet performance – Wings of Wax Nederlands Dans Theater, Choreography by Ji Kylin.
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