Tom Clancy’s rainbowsix vegas 2 complete edition. Includes: FuFull PEC Experience: A greatly improved PEC experience – your character evolves online and offline, in both single-player and multiplayer modes.Terrorist Leaders are now a strategic target for Rainbow – leaders control respawns, so when you take out the leaders, enemies can no longer respawn.Terrorists Enemies have a wider variety of reactions and use ballistic shields.Team Rainbow Can use the Leap-frogging technique for safely approaching an area defended by an opposing force. Teammates cover each other successively when they move forward.Up to 16 players (360) and 14 players (PS3)r> Two-player split-screen mode13 maps for co-op and adversarial play Including three maps from R6 Vegas, revamped maps from R6 Raven Shield and all-new mapsAll-new co-op experience. Co-op story mode, Jump-in-jump-out mode and Co-op terrorist hunt.New adversarial modes:Demolition – Attackers plant an explosive device at one of two predetermined locations and protect the bomb until it explodesTeam Leader – Teams must keep their leader alive while they escort him to the extraction point while preventing the enemy from extracting their own leader
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