Product DescriptionTrash is treasure! In this raucous card game, paw through the deck to find sets of day-old pizza, half-eaten candy, and other luscious leftovers. Roll the die to tip over the garbage or raid a rival’s rubbish, if there’s no Doggos standing guard. The more you roll, the more actions you can take – but get too greedy and your turn is scrapped! Stash the most trash and you’re pick of the litter!You and your opponents are raucous raccoons, tripping over trash cans for food and shiny objects. Push your luck to acquire more cards from the trash, but you must stash them in order for them to score at the end of the game. When the deck runs out, everyone reveals their stashed cards. Score points based on who has the majority for each card type. Whoever has the most points wins.Trash Pandas is suitable for 2-4 players, aged eight and up with a playing time of around 20 minutes.Safety Warningnot appropriate for children under the age of three yearsBox Contains54 cards6 tokens1 custom dierules of play
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