All 29 episodes of the medical comedy sitcom written by Eric ‘Rising Damp’ Chappell. Episodes comprise: ‘A Bed With a View’, ‘Operation Norman’, ‘The Rumour’, ‘The Man With the Face’, ‘Let Them Eat Cake’, ‘Tangled Web’, ‘Is There a Doctor in the House?’, ‘Whatever Happened to Gloria Robbins?’, ‘Where There’s a Will’, ‘It Can Damage Your Health’, ‘The Cosmic Influence’, ‘The Visitors’, ‘The Lost Sheep’, ‘Last Tango’, ‘A Day in the Life Of’, ‘The Right Honourable Gentleman’, ‘Adam’s Rib’, ‘Postman’s Knock’, ‘Accident’, ‘Dear Diary’, ‘These You Have Loved’, ‘Blood Brothers’, ‘Conduct Unbecoming’, ‘All in the Mind’, ‘In Sickness and in Health’, ‘Escape’, ‘When Did You Last See Your Father?’ and ‘The Reunion’.
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